Due to the potential inclement weather, our production start time for Tuesday, March 4, 2025, is scheduled for 8:30am in Sherman, and 9:00am in Dallas. This is based on the current (as of Monday, 10:30pm), predicted time for the storm to roll through Sherman/Dallas. The weather prediction can be off by an uncertain amount of time either direction, so please use discretion when monitoring the weather conditions at time of departure from your home, and ensure you are taking the necessary safety precautions.
Debido a las posibles inclemencias del tiempo, nuestra hora de inicio de producción para el martes 4 de marzo de 2025 está programada para las 8:30 a. m. en Sherman y las 9:00 a. m. en Dallas. Esto se basa en la hora prevista actual (a partir del lunes a las 10:30 p.m.) para que la tormenta pase por Sherman/Dallas. La predicción del tiempo puede variar por un período de tiempo incierto en cualquier dirección, así que tenga discreción al monitorear las condiciones climáticas en el momento de la salida de su hogar y asegúrese de tomar las precauciones de seguridad necesarias.
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Since 1984, Starr Aircraft has been engaged in the development and manufacture of products for the airline industry. Many years of consistent growth, experience and innovation have resulted in a strong and successful line of high-quality, specialized interior products for both the commercial and military airline industries.
In addition to producing superior products, Starr has an excellent reputation for integrity, exceptional customer service, and continual advancements in product development. Starr is able to provide a solution to almost any manufacturing challenge in the interior aircraft industry.
Bob & Shelby Barnette established the company with one product, a handful of dedicated employees, and a commitment to excellence. Over the years, Starr has transformed into a mature, efficient industry leader with a highly skilled workforce and a diverse product line. Starr Aircraft is committed to the highest quality, competitive pricing, and on-time delivery possible. It is the intention of Starr to continually improve its processes, the products it manufactures, and the service it provides.
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